Friday, January 18, 2008

Do you believe in what you sell?

I've worked with a number of people on selling and one of the things we talk about is believing in your product or service. What many people who want to be successful in sales don't understand is there are two products they need to sell. One product/service is what you are offering your customer. The other is you. Most people who struggle in sales have a hard time with the latter. It's your attitude, and it's how you carry yourself that the customer sees first. That is where you make your first sale. If the customer doesn't buy you, they will not buy your product no matter how good you know it. To the salesperson that is trying to increase their sales I offer these three steps. 1) Build your confidence. This can be done with affirmations, studying about sales, and practicing your delivery. 2) Build your relationships. Get out there and network. Make your calls and get things done. This is easier to do if you have built your confidence. 3) Build your knowledge. This is your knowledge of your product, your customer, and yourself. Remember, people buy from those they know, like, and trust. But they won't do that unless you know, like, and trust yourself first. You have the power to change your direction. Just make sure you take the steps to do so. -By Dan Paulson.

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